Got Courage? Part II

Unusual or astounding situations aside, it seems that life can and often does require a great deal from us. One of the greatest myths seems to be that we should have all we need to cope immediately, right now, or there is something wrong with us! It seems more accurate to take the view that we have raw potential within and it is often life circumstances that bring it to the forefront requiring that it be developed and refined.

The concept of neural nets, conditioning deeply interwoven into our inner structures, clearly supports the notion of having to meet our demons, slay our dragons, E.G. undo our past non productive behaviors first before we can insert new more effective thoughts, feelings and beliefs that will lead to new behavior and external realities. So, myths and fairy tales were onto something that only now neuroscience has been able to identify as a very real internal human process with physiological underpinnings.

At times simply being willing to entertain a new view can be very difficult. Taking a good look in the mirror, being honest with your feelings, being able to express yourself, standing for what you believe, speaking for yourself, living your dreams, working for your dreams, or maybe just letting yourself have a dream (!), taking risks, moving forward in spite of fear€¦.it seems that all of the above require that thing called courage!

How many people live lives of quiet desperation as they rationalize, deny and subdue their natural instincts, drives, and desires because they are afraid of upsetting the status quo, of offending, of being alone, or of treading into unfamiliar territory? We not only know people who fit these molds€¦ we’ve all done it as well.

It may seem less painful to stay the course rather than belly up to the bar of new alternatives. However if you have a truly honest conversation with those who chose the quiet, the €˜tried and true,’ they will tell you of the pain, loss and disappointment that their choice cost them€¦if they don’t€¦ their bodies, minds, and relationships will spell it out for you.