Feng Shui and Chakras; Balancing Inner and Outer Space

Recording History

We have all been exposed to a variety of negative emotional states in our lives: ­fear, pain, anger, and trauma. Often, when we experience these powerful emotions, we are too threatened or overwhelmed to fully process them.

When we experience stress or a threat, real or imagined, the flow of energy increases to prepare us for fight or flight. If neither is possible or chosen, we override these impulses, even though the body has been energized. Repetition of this type of situation results in living with an energetic contradiction of activation and inhibition. This results in a frozen intensity known as “tonic immobility” or the “freezing response.”

Since we are unaware of our inner processes, we tend to believe that once an event has passed, it is over and has no further impact or influence over us. Unfortunately, this is not the case physiologically. Our responses to life are continually registered within our energy system.

When we are not able to release or discharge energy that has become activated, a portion of our being becomes locked inside, and future free expression of that energy is inhibited. Coping strategies that were meant only to help us in these acute, stressful events develop into chronic patterns anchored in the psyche and body. These holding patterns shape our energy, create body armor, and ultimately break down our emotional and/or physical health.

Understanding when and how we respond with unhealthy patterns enables us to minimize their effects. We then can adopt methods that build positive energy, leaving behind overwhelming feelings and a sense of emptiness. Traditional methods of change focus on insight and behavior, and generally fail to release problems at their core. Methods that allow our conscious mind to connect with a deeper organizing level of awareness can help to effectively discharge our troublesome patterns. It is then that we have a “complete experience” that results in increased energy and clearer awareness to bring to our lives. Our true nature or pure consciousness is our mind without distortions, misperceptions, or defenses. Through freeing ourselves of old limitations, we move more toward that state, and develop greater power to consciously create our lives.

Building a healthy foundation of strong, positive energy allows us to manage difficult life events with more ease and less distress. Learning to transform harmful patterns allows us to live in the present with abundant energy available to consciously channel toward increased peace, joy, health, and happiness.

Feng Shui

Feng shui is the practice of living in harmony with nature. Chi is one of the key aspects of feng shui. Chi is energy. Three principles of chi are that: everything is alive, everything is connected, and everything is always changing.

From a feng shui perspective, your environment mirrors your inner self. Your body is influenced by the chi of your environment and vice versa. Observing and understanding the patterns within and around you is a first step to bringing about change.

Vibrational patterns in your environment are created by many different variables. As you listen and read through this program you will become more aware of some of these.

Reprinted from Balancing Inner and Outer Space: Feng Shui and Chakras