False Beliefs Constrict Progress
False beliefs are very common in all of us. We rarely look at them as we have carried them along through life assuming they were true. Typically it is only when we hit rough patches in life that we tend to take the deep dive and look at what is rocking around in our unconscious and take steps to clear it out so we may live more freely in the present.
We are rapidly evolving as a species. New views, ways of operating and interacting with others and the world, the way we work, play, and problem solve have all been changing and will continue to as we move forward in these rapidly evolving times. It is always helpful to have as much self knowledge as possible but it is even more important during turbulent times. Self knowledge moves us away from unhelpful reactivity toward beneficial response-ability. Understanding our false beliefs and clearing them is a key component to self knowledge.
Science has shown that successful survival is based on adaptation, cooperation and collaboration. Evolutionary biologist Bruce Lipton has bee in the forefront of describing how this works and how it applies to our human race.
In order to move into this more life enhancing way of being we need new skills and abilities to rise to the challenges of modern life. Evolving our consciousness provides the capacities we need. Higher consciousness unfolds expanded insight, creativity, spiritual and intuitive knowing. These are the abilities that can move us forward beyond striving to thriving.
If being right is your goal,
you will find error in the world,
and seek to correct it.
But do not expect peace of mind.
If peace of mind is your goal,
look for the errors in your beliefs and expectations.
Seek to change them, not the world.
And be always prepared to be wrong.
Peter Russell
Expanded Consciousness Requires Release of False Beliefs
Universal pressure to evolve, change and grow has been steadily ramping up. It is an invitation to greater joy and freedom ultimately, but as it hits old entrenched beliefs struggle, competition and even violence ensue. Our collective shadow has shown up to alert us that we need to clear out the closet so we can make room for new more life enhancing ways of being. We cannot enter higher consciousness dragging our baggage with us.
While we as individuals may not be able to make sweeping changes in the world at large, we can clear up our personal corner of the world. We each contribute to the collective psyche so it is not irrelevant to take care of our personal inner landscape in order to contribute to the larger space we occupy together. Taking a look at our false beliefs, hidden blocks and fears that lie in the shadow-lands of our psyche are steps we can all take to add to the collective healing that is being called for.
I find it helpful to look at what is being triggered in me as a result of external forces and work with that since it is the one place where I know I have influence. It is one place where I can free up my own energy and personal power so as to be a more positive and constructive participant in the world. One thing I find is that even after having processed a lot of false beliefs during times of increased upheaval and dissension subtler forms of these beliefs can emerge.
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