Energy and Consciousness: From Concept to Practicality

Several of the most recent posts on this blog reference energy, science of consciousness and the power of mind. While the science is very fascinating and even mind boggling, unless we have a way to turn the information into practical use, it remains on the realm of ideas and lab experiments and of no relevance to everyday life.

Admittedly all the data is not in regarding energy and consciousness, but the new science has corroborated enough of what is contained in ancient perennial wisdom to begin using it to live more healthy, peace filled and joyful lives! The work of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Lynn McTaggart, Deepak Chopra, Greg Braden, Bruce Lipton and many more are all showing the way–and will continue to do so as new awareness and discoveries unfold about life, the universe and everything!

Our mission with Living Energy is to provide both information and tools to facilitate the process of bringing the theory of energy and consciousness out of the realm of the conceptual and into the realm of practicality to help us all create happier, healthier, more peace filled and posperous lives.

Knowledge of the new science is of course helpful, but it is really only a first step toward benefitting from this information. A helpful next step is to open to a personal experience and awareness of the movement of energy and consciousness in your own life. This can feel like a bit of a challenge as you wonder where to begin, afterall energy and consciousness are a bit like electricity and the wind—they are invisible! We do however observe their movement through their effects. And,we do sense and feel them. So it is with energy and consciousness. We can develop the ability to directly experience them. Even though they are not visible , they are still very real and can be experienced. In fact you do experience them all the time, you simply do not recogniize it as such. In addition to this lack of recognition there is also a lack of awareness regrading how to harness these abilites in order to benefit more positively from them.

One way to begin this process of recognition and expansion of ability to mange energy and consciousness is to think about your mind as possessing two diffent kinds of attention. Primary attention is the one you are most familiar with. This attention is directed outward. You pay attenion with it all day long as you direct your focus on computers, TV, people, and outer events. Even the stream of thoughts running unceasingly (and perhaps unnoticed as they tend to become background hum) through your mind are all in the province of first attention.

Secondary attention is a more of an inward experience. It is deeper, more peaceful and below the chaos of the common chattering mind. It is subtle and allows you to attune to deeper levels of awareness of yourself, your environment and the universe!
Techniques that are helpful in developing second attention are : meditation, deep relaxation and contemplation. These practices can help you become more aware of the subtler levels of your reality, the qualities and movement of energy and consciousness in your life.

Another simple way to begin to tune into the world of energy and expanded consciousness is to become aware of your thought patterns and notice not only what they are but how they affect you. Thoughts are are a particular frequency of energy and they in turn produce another type of energy….feeling or emotion which then affects your denser energetic being—your body. So you can play with thought energy, experiment in your personal laboratory and see how you are creating your daily experience: thought>>emotion>>bodily experience. You may even begin to pick up on how your inner states affect how others respond to you!

Once you develop more awareness regarding energy and consciousness you become freer to make choices that nurture and support you rather than drag you down and create havoc with you health, life, work and relationships.

In the next post we will delve deeper into the specifics of cultivating secondary attention: what it means, feels like and how you can use it to create a more whole, healthy and prosperous life!