
Can There Be a Gift in Times of Crisis?

Crisis, Fear and Overwhelm
There are so many feelings that come up during times of crisis, danger or major loss. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the stress of such times. Stress management is key to our overall health and well being at anytime but particularly important in difficult times.

One aspect of stress management that is often overlooked are the specific issues that are reverberating through our body-mind We may all be feeling fear, loss or lack of safety but we each have a history that underlies those feelings. Why bother? Because that is where we can truly release the inner turmoil and reclaim our power. In doing so we can move forward in a way that helps us and those around us.

Using Crisis to Reclaim Personal Power
Without awareness of what is being triggered within our psyche we will may be angry, tearful or engage in scathing discourse that includes analysis and blame over and over effectively exhausting and dis empowering us. All those things are natural for an initial response. They may help alleviate anxiety and take some of the pressure off our internal pressure cooker. However getting stuck there is ineffective and debilitating.

In times of crisis our very foundation rumbles, Our body and mind react with signals to pay attention, honor ourselves and attend to what is causing our inner angst.

Turn Crisis on its Head
Here are some questions that may help begin an inner exploration to heal and reclaim your energy/power.

What in this situation is in my control?
Outside forces are really never in our control but self management is always possible. How can I improve my self management skills?

What needs to happen for me to adapt and accept a changing world?

What can I that allows me to explore my inner landscape?
Journaling, meditation, contemplation, counseling, belief work

What values am I aligned with?
What is most important to me? How are my actions reflective of that? Do I say, believe, desire one thing but act in another?

What can I learn from/about this present situation?
What is it showing me about myself, the people around me, the world I choose to live in?