We’ve been exploring the chakras as they relate to change in our lives. Now we arrive at the Throat Chakra and look at it’s relationship to change.
Basic Review of Location and Influence
The Throat Chakra is located in the front of the neck in the same area as the Adam’s Apple and the Pharyngeal Nerve Plexus.
Physically this chakra governs the Thyroid, Parathyroid, Trachea, Esophagus, Hypothalamus, Neck, Mouth, and Jaw. Physical problems in this energy center can manifest as trouble with any of those related structures, as well as with an inability to release or express, a block in the creative flow, or in stiffness of the neck and shoulders.
The main functions of the throat chakra are: communication, maturation of will (evolving from personal will toward being informed by Higher Will), power of choice, peers, metabolism, growth, and the regulation of calcium. These functions of course are active throughout our lives, but are particularly significant at various life stages as well as when we are challenged by change in some area.
Life Stage and the Throat Chakra
The throat chakra goes through a major time of development during the teen years. Whenever there is active development of a chakra’s energy we see activity related to that chakra in the outer world. In adolescence we see major changes having to do with communication, will (every parent’s delight!), choice and peers.
A very common outward manifestation of the opening of this chakra and its characteristic change is that of being in constant contact with peers via the phone and now computers. It is not so much the exchange of ideas or information that is the point of these conversations; the goal is actually the process of communicating. It is like an itch that simply must be scratched!
It is also interesting to note that we pass through this territory again in midlife.
At that time we may seek to regain the voice we have lost or modify the voice we have to more accurately reflect our changing sense of self and the results of decades of experience. There is also an inward pressure to express one’s individuality, will and choice like in adolescence, but hopefully this is done in a more mature way!
Throat Chakra Highest Expression
The highest expression of this chakra is to align our will with a higher will. In mid-life and beyond it becomes important from a spiritual perspective to allow for input from higher levels of conscious awareness to inform our lives. If the pressure we feel is treated on a superficial level then we miss out on an important growth opportunity that can greatly enrich our lives.
Related to the transformation of will from strictly personal to include higher forces is the creative impulse of this chakra. This creative impulse has to do with bringing through manifestations that carry the vibration of the Divine and not merely those human desires.
We are most familiar with this kind of dynamic when we feel inspired by a force that is experienced as beyond our normal thinking mind. This is the kind of inspired flow that makes you feel as if a creation just flows out of you without stress, strain or struggle.
Life Passages
As we encounter change throughout our lives the issues related to the throat chakra will be involved in one way or another€¦positively or negatively. Consciously and actively addressing our energy system can help us come from a point of strength and integration in using our voice, choosing well, and being informed from a level beyond the ego no matter what change brings. Actively working with our throat chakra can also help to “prime the pump”€â€bringing balanced coherent energy to this enter with the result of you finding yourself in a creative dynamic flow more reliably and frequently.
So the throat chakra will be affected by change as well as be instrumental in some profound developmental changes at various times in our lives. This energy center can positively or negatively affect your transformation or management of change through issues related to personal VS higher will, creativity and communication.
Next post: Identifying Positive or Negative Expressions of the Throat Chakra
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