Category: Uncategorized
Meditation Motivation
This 12 minute video is a wonderfully clear, simple, straightforward presentation of the effects and benefits of meditation as they relate to everyday health, happiness and peace as well as to the more esoteric higher level experience available with practice.
Energy Alignment Fosters Peace From Within
his stunning view of the Milky Way reminds me of how each of us is a tiny spec within our ever-expanding universe. When problems seem insurmountable … [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="513"] Astronomy Picture of the Day: Mangaia’s Milky Way, by Tunç Tezel.[/caption]
A New Spirituality?
Some years ago I heard Doc Lew Childre from the Institue of HeartMath say that we were entering a time when “spirit needed to meet the sidewalk”. To me that meant
How Do You Choose Peace?
Inner peace is somehting we need to choose in order for it to come and spread through our lives and relationships.[caption id="attachment_13734" align="alignleft" width="299"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Bill Moyers interviews Pema Chodron
Great interview on awakening, quieting the mind and opening the heart in our noisy modern life.
Nipping Fear in the Bud
When it comes to addressing fear we need to have a holistic approach. Here are some tips on helping to eliminate fear from your life.