Is there a link between compassion and crime? As I listened to an NPR story about the drop in violent crime for the fourth consecutive year, I wondered if this is a reflection of society becoming more community-oriented, compassionate, caring and kind. I see more and more evidence of this every day every day. Yes, there are still those who don’t have a clue and continue to operate under old paradigms. Although such voices are loud, domineering and at times unbelievable, I am convinced that this is a dwindling population. As we withdraw our focus from what feels wrong and place our energy on what feels right, each of us will experience more of the inevitable shift in consciousness. It is a sign of our times.
Look around. “Doing good” is a growing movement. You will find ample evidence that people DO care about others. In my town a Fire Fighter grows fresh produce for our local food pantry and encourages others with gardens to drop off their extra produce so that those in need can eat fresh, seasonal vegetables. Our Helping Hands organization of volunteers provides those in need with things such as support for basic necessities, back to school clothes and school supplies, holiday food baskets, items that are ready to pass along (such as bikes) and more. Some people contribute money, some contribute items, some contribute time. Some people do all three. What’s going on in your family, community, or social network that is “doing good” for others?
Daily inspiration is readily available. The Good News Network is in its 15th year of providing good news to its internet readers. They provide inspiring stories of people doing the right thing world-wide. The Daily Good, another online resource, has been providing inspiration to its subscribers since 1998, almost as long. The mainstream media is also hopping on the bandwagon. Compared to prior years, more and more time and space is dedicated to human interest stories that encourage, stimulate interest, and inspire our spirit. These are just a few examples. I know that there are many more.
As we “do good” for others, I believe that each of us becomes more compassionate, caring and kind. Being part of the same human family, deep down we have similar needs and wants. What’s “out there” in the big, wide world is a reflection of what’s “inside,” closer to home, as reflected in our community, family, and individual consciousness. As we continue to shift and change for the better, the world around us will too.
One of the most effective ways to make a difference is to do “the work” on yourself. Consciously release your resistance to what “is”, accept things as they are, and change what you can. As you work with your own energy, the energy around you will shift as well. If you don’t believe it, just play with this concept. You will soon see evidence of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs playing out in front of you. Sometimes we are blind to this. As you tune in and observe what really shows up in your world each day, you may be delighted to realize how you, the observer, can change what is being observed. The world is one big mirror of our collective consciousness. We are all responsible for what is going on. You can begin by being more compassionate, caring and kind with yourself. Just do a little bit more every day. When you have a setback, accept it and begin again. Living your life this way can be a lot of fun and make a big difference in the world at large.
Our violent crime rate has dropped for four consecutive years. This is a good thing and each of us has contributed to it in one way or another. Maybe in 2012 we’ll see an even bigger jump. Let’s each BE the change we want to see in the world.
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