"Physiologically, it simply doesn't matter whether your anger is justified or not. The body doesn't make moral judgements about feelings; it just responds." - Doc Childre and Howard Martin, HeartMath Solution ...
Happiness is a state of being that arises from within in response to how we are experiencing a present moment. The lower mind, the province of our habitual mental and emotional states need to be trained to choose happiness. We can cultivate the energy of happiness through our choices of how and what to focus on...we can choose to make it a daily practice to engage in activities that build and ...
What’s Your (Energetic) Soul-Print?
We each have our own energetic imprint. This means many things of course, but it is one aspect that is often overlooked when working with energy. We each are truly unique and have our own "soulprint". One way of viewing that is to realize that perhaps your energy is designed in such a way as to help you develop a particular quality or strength. A correlate to that is that your unique energy ...
Important Distinctions on the Path
Excerpted from The Secret - Spiritual Materialism By Peter G. Vajda, PhD."For the 2% who really, really get it, the Secret is no secret - living life from the inside out, trusting without needing to control, experiencing life's pain as a teacher, surrendering their ego, seeing that life is larger than getting that parking space or Starbucks...that it's not about spiritual materialism. The ...
Just for Today
Which world will you live in today? The one that tempts you to enter and create through negative thoughts, fear and doubt or the one that quietly beckons you toward peace, love, happiness and joy? Commit just for today to gently watch your inner world and softly shift it each time a negative or fear filled thought or feeling arises. Breathe, let go, choose love, appreciation, gratitude---just ...
Intention, Synchronicty and Coherence
I have been absent from the blog since after the first post since the needs of my aging parents have consumed all spare moments! BUT, it all gave me a great example of the Living Energy work and how it can work in our lives if we allow it. My Dad is 88 y.o. and in a nursing home as he requires 24/7 skilled nursing care. My Mom is about to turn 90 and until recently lived in her own home. It has ...