personal power

Blending the human and the spiritual selves

In times past people who developed their spiritual nature were often isolated from the the marketplace where most people live. Today we are being challenged to develop our spiritual potential and integrate it into our human nature all the while living in the marketplace of real life. Here are some thoughts that can help as a guide or support.

The Interface between Spiritual and Material Reality

Spiritual challenges to living in the material world:
Feel and are different from the norm:
If we want self mastery and development of our own potential it is necessary to leave the group mind.

 Question if our experience is real:
The spiritual is invisible, so it is hard to move to a place where you trust the intangible.

Lack of support:
 This can be a reality. Seek out others of like mind. It may be necessary to get used to affirming and validating your Self.

Difficult to find a balance (spiritual vs. material worlds):
Every learning curve has its challenges; but over time it gets easier, and you wonder how you ever lived another way!

Hard at first to find equilibrium, and give all parts their due:
Practice. Practice. Practice. “Keep your eye on the prize!”

Tricky to find the time to devote to nurturing the spiritual:
Priorities may need to be rearranged. What do you want in your life?

To help with these challenges, including releasing obstacles and complexities so you may embrace a freer way of BEING, see the 12 Guiding Principles for more Soulful Living that follow in the next post.