Benefits of Mindful Presence

I am taking a course, Spirituality in Healing, with NIACBM. There is such a wonderful line up of teachers–this week it was Rachel Naomi Remen. Dr. Remen is a great story teller and in this video she shares this one that brings home the importance of being awake to wonder, and the deep experience that is possible in our lives. This story also shows how our deep purpose for being here can be felt when all our normal preoccupations and frustrations fall away.
An added note—I agree with some of the comments after the video., E.G. that perhaps the mother should have been the first human the baby saw–and there are certainly lots of issues with the birth experience itself that are commented on that may have a good point, but it does not take away from what happened for this Dr. and how it impacted and changed his perspective about himself, life and purpose….and how we can take note and apply the learning to our own lives.

Would love to hear your impressions after you view the video! And if you are interested, you can still join the ongoing series at NICABM

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