
An Antidote to Stress and Fear

Fear has many faces
We all know fear in some or all of its faces. It can visit in the form of panic, terror, phobias or dread. It may also make its appearance as anxiety, a vague sense of foreboding/waiting for the other shoe to drop, self doubt or an inner sense of shaking or insecurity.

Effects of Fear
Energetically fear constricts us, makes us feel small, weak and not up to managing our lives. This makes it difficult to face or move past challenges that arise. The defensive postures we use to override those constrictions generally are typically not useful. They most often simply drive feelings deeper into our systems. In doing so we cannot get at the even deeper feelings that reside in all of us so they can be released.

It is only through having effective methods to manage, dissolve and release fear that we can free ourselves and make room for more ease, peace and joy.

Solutions for Fear
Self observation can help you by understanding your defensive reactions to fear. How do you cope, cover up, deny, fight or flee–or freeze?
Once you understand what your defense is you can try to choose to not react in that way. Willing this kind of change tends not to be effective. There are still feelings that need release to truly have the power to change!

Feelings are real–they have very real physiological effects and no amount of logic will make them really go way.
We need to meet them where they live and have a method that allows them to be released…then the body mind can be brought into balance.

Our recorded program Relaxation 101 can help you to address fear at the level of body-mind-spirit through a series of techniques designed to deal with fear where it lives and move beyond it. You can learn how to let the energy of fear be released from your system and not be stymied by it!

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