An Attitude of Gratitude

Expressing gratitude is a great way to create a healthier state of being and of feeling. Expressing gratitude for all of the blessings in your life big and small helps to attract more of them. Expressing gratitude puts your mind into a state of well being. When your mind is in a state of well being it is easier to put your body into a similar feeling state. When both your mind and your body are in thinking and feeling states of well being, you begin vibrating coherent, positive energy. When you vibrate this energy, you feel better, create more health and inner peace as well as draw more positive experience to you. Good things happen. It’s a wonderful cycle and a one that is worth learning how to master.

One way to express gratitude is to maintain a Gratitude Journal. Select a small notebook that you really like. It can plain or fancy. It doesn’t matter. What matters is what you put inside. Open your journal and begin by writing at least five things for which you are truly grateful. You can write about anything you wish as long as it is from your heart and the words you use are positive. You can write about people, your family, friends and colleagues. You can write about situations, about things you have or things you’ve done. You can write about your feelings how you feel when you walk outside on a bright sunny day or how you feel when you are happy. You might write about your health, your pets, the food you eat. You might write about the joy of being alive and noticing the small things that make a difference every day.

You can write about anything and everything. You can even write about things you don’t have but that you wish to have or you intend to have. You might give thanks for strong family ties and relationships. Or you may give thanks for having more than enough money to pay all of your bills. Excellent physical and mental health may be areas for expressing thanks. Simply give thanks for them in the present tense, in advance. Give thanks for them just as if you have them. Express thanks for the way you want things to be. It may sound silly, but it works. Thank God, the Universe or whatever belief system you have for things that are already on their way to you! Practice feeling receiving.

At the start, practice writing in your journal every day. It only takes a few minutes. Some days you might write a few thoughts. Other days you might write several pages or a long list. As you express your gratitude, your energy shifts into a very thankful and receptive mode. Your problems drift away from your consciousness and positive energy begins to flow. The more you do this, the faster your outer experiences will mirror your inner state. As you express your gratitude, people around you will notice a shift. They may not be able to pinpoint what is different, what they will feel it. They will feel it in the air. Each of us vibrates energy and feelings from the inside out. This energy is captured in a field around our physical body. On both a conscious and subconscious level we feel and respond to the energy of those around us. Sometimes we are drawn closer and sometimes the energy sets us apart. It all depends on how you are feeling. You can help yourself to FEEL GOOD by expressing good thoughts in your journal every day. When you FEEL GOOD you will draw others to you that also FEEL GOOD.