Affirmations Won’t Get You There!

Affirmations as they are commonly understood and used do not work. There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that we tend to add tag lines onto the end of our affirmation that negate what we are trying to accomplish. We may or may not be aware of these taglines. These are actually markers for deeper beliefs that we hold energetically and they will serve as a stumbling block to achieving our desired goal until we deactivate them.

Some people are aware of their taglines. It is that voice in your head that says, “Yeah right etc”€”it is typically a statement that counters your positive affirmation. Taglines can also exist as an inner emotional state. This would be recognizable as a type of default pattern of sadness, powerlessness, overwhelm or hopelessness rather than a mental process. There are many ways of embodying these aspects so it is important to open your awareness to discover your way so you can make eliminate this type of self-sabotage.

Another problem with affirmations is that they are cognitive€”mental and/or verbal representations of a desired goal or outcome. Since they exist in a mental state, and on a conscious level, they generally will not reach into the deeper levels of ourselves that are necessary to bring about effective and sustainable change.

Using methods like Inner Child Work, EFT or Interactive Guided Imagery can help release the negative as well as aid in establishing an internal nurturing environment for new positive beliefs to be seeded and developed.

Session 5 of our 12 Keys series, Language of the Interior includes guidance on the proper use of affirmations and how to set effective intentions, as well as provides techniques that can help you to move beyond your stumbling blocks. For more information click here:

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