
 I love, yes love to hear Karen Kallie present her information. I have heard her many times and each time I listen to her words of wisdom, I learn more and more about myself.  In clear and succinct language, Karen helps me see where I need to grow and gives me the tools to do it.
Debby Hoffman Adair
Founder and CIO of In the Presence of Positive Women

Relaxation 101
“Both Karen’s message and presentation are so well done. She skillfully talks one into feelings of ease and yet with a sense of power over your own life. The choreography with the music is phenomenal. I find the meditation is both relaxing and inspirational in ways I didn’t know were possible. This is a wonderful CD!”
Catherine Wilke, Landscape Architect
Relaxation 101
In a market overflowing with relaxation tapes and CDs, Karen Kallie’s CD,  Relaxation 101,  is fresh and new.   What a relief to find a guided journey into ease that is not tedious.  Karen’s voice and Tony Pace’s music are a waterbed that supports securely while letting us drift with the current.  And there is a current:  Karen’s exceptional voice guides us into interwoven levels of body-mind.  She softens the fundamental Jacobsonian relaxation method by losing the linearity of the original form.  We do not just journey from feet to head.  Instead Karen takes us on a parasailing experience, touching down at various points.  Karen’s medical background whispers through with subtle anatomical guidance as she guides us around our bodies, unlocking even gates that are rusted shut.  And then there is the overlay of Ericksonian hypnosis, naturalistic suggestions that invite us to freely choose the experience we want, to accept the permission to shape the experience to the depth and width that is comfortable for us, in this moment.  The integration of varied elements and techniques within the timbre of Karen’s soothing voice and Tony’s attuned music is delightful, and wonderfully leaves us not in the ethers but grounded in ourselves and our lives.

Tracey Alysson, Ph.D.
Author of Dying and Living in the Arms of Love:  One Woman’s Journey Around Mount Kailash


Relaxation 101, Energy Aerobics (Now Balancing Your Chakras) and Tranquil Sleep
I’ve been using Relaxation 101, Energy Aerobics and Tranquil Sleep personally and have also recommended these profound CD’s to students and clients. Each CD builds upon the next one and is a natural way to re energize Body, Mind and Spirit.
Even my children are using Tranquil Sleep on those evenings when they have difficulty with sleep. They are skeptics but once they tried it, they are now believers!
Karen’s hypnotic voice combined with Tony’s music is the perfect “natural prescription” to bring you into those desired relaxed states. With regular use you can reach those Zen states we often read about!
Sandra Panek, Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master


Relaxation 101, Energy Aerobics (Now Balancing Your Chakras)
I started working with Karen Kallie at Ninth Wave Wellness 3 ½ years ago when my life was moving in many directions and I felt that I was losing control.  Karen gave me a copy of her Relaxation 101 tape and later a copy of Energy Aerobics which have worked amazingly well to promote emotional, spiritual and energetic wellness.  I continue to return to them because they provide a well-rounded series of exercises that ground me and help me to get back on track.
Donna Cardoso, Client Manager Granite Group Benefits
Relaxation 101
I’ve been using Relaxation 101 for ten years now and as soon as I hear Karen’s voice and Tony’s music I’m transported to a warm and safe place.  It’s like going back home for me.
CRC, Office manager

Relaxation 101
Our 13 year old daughter had first day of school anticipatory anxiety which led her to show up at our bedroom in tears at midnight stating:  “I can’t sleep.”  We tried giving Reiki, listening to a relaxation tape–still wide awake.  Finally, after 1 1/2 hours, I put on Karen Kallie’s CD–Sleep finally arrived!  She now listens to it each night as she falls asleep and finds it very helpful.  We are all grateful!
JK, Social Worker
Relaxation 101
I started using Karen’s “Relaxation101” when I was a senior in college.  I was finishing two majors, and the pressures of completing my degree requirements and getting ready to enter the professional world were taking a physical toll; I was experiencing back-pain, shortness of breath, and was sleeping restlessly.  With so many large hurdles facing me, small tasks became overwhelming.  My mother recommended the tape to me, and I listened to it each night, often falling asleep part-way through the first side.  I quickly began noticing that my muscle tension eased, and breathing patterns changed.  At the time, I was studying performance, and knew the importance of breath control, so the improvement in breathing pattern was particularly noticeable.  I continued listening to “Relaxation 101” each night throughout graduate school, stopping only when the tape became so worn out from use that it needed to be replaced.

When I entered teaching, I found that many of my physical symptoms of stress returned.  In addition to the back pain and shallow breathing, I was also experiencing regular debilitating migraines.  When I began missing work because of the symptoms, I knew that I needed to take action.  I had a close friend who was experiencing many of the same symptoms, and was also a first-year teacher.  Both of us re-introduced “Relaxation 101” into our daily routines (this time on CD so it wouldn’t wear out!) and we both found the difference in our ability to handle stress was extraordinary.  Even some of my students noticed that I seemed to be “in a good mood more.”

I still teach in a fast-paced, over-crowded, urban high school, and most of my students live well below the poverty line; this brings a host of pressures endemic to this type of school, and it is easy to carry those pressures home.  I use “Relaxation 101” regularly as the time in my day when I refocus my energy and quiet my mind.  When I have gone for extended periods without using Karen’s techniques, I have found that my physical symptoms return, and my classroom management skills suffer.  “Relaxation101” gets me through my day, eases the physical manifestations of stress that had plagued me for years, and ultimately makes my teaching life and my personal life more effective.
Carolyn Fagan, Teacher, Los Angeles Public Schools


Testimonial for 12 Keys
As a nurse, I find that having tools to use to help focus on during times of difficulty and times of joy are most helpful. One tool I strongly recommend are the CDs from Peg Donahue and Karen Kallie. I listened to all the CDs  and the collection  is most educational and inspirational. I strongly recommend it to anyone who wishes to make positive changes in his or her life. It is a must have. I have read, listened and taken classes in both Eastern and Western Philosophies related to wellness and health. These CDs are right on target to aiding in physical, psychological, cognitive and spiritual growth. Enjoy your journey.
Michael E. Sweeney, Jr., MA, MSN, RN PC, LMHC, CMT


Testimonial for 12 Keys
The audio meditations were fabulous.  Karen- you have the most soothing and amazing voice – very well suited for guiding meditations!!! A.L.


Testimonial for 12 Keys
This program is a gift in so many ways.  Karen Kallie and Peg Donahue have a deep understanding of how “energy” can make our lives more balanced and joyful, and how not understanding it can create challenges in our lives.  The Living Energy Program covers keys from how to maintain a peaceful mind to a peaceful office environment – from how to relate with all your chakras to how to relate with those you love.  This is deep work. Rachael Jayne Groover. Founder of The YIN Project www.TheYinProject.com


Testimonial for 12 Keys
I’ve known Karen & Tony for over 10 years, and have participated in many of Karen’s’ workshops over the course the past 10 years. I have used for myself, recommended, and & sold all 3 of Karen & Tony’s’ meditations CD’s, Relaxation 101, Chakra Meditation and the Tranquil Sleep CDs’.  I have also participated in Karen and Peggy’s Living Energy Teleconferences in the past.

I found the 12 Keys CD set to be more than what I expected it to be.

It is truly a culmination of many years of experience and expertise that has been all wrapped up and bundled in one complete set.  The music flows seamlessly with each meditation and the background music enables you to focus on the subject matter being taught, but still enables you to stay in that meditative quiet space.

Karen and Peggy truly complement each other as one will shift you in and out of a meditative state while the other one brings you into the next step of this course. The energy of these CD’s is seamless, flowing, clear, well organized and easy to follow.

This self-development tool is well worth the time you will put into it, because if you do the exercises, you will see results.  This is a complete 12 week workshop at your fingertip and the best part is that you can work with the workbook at your own pace.

Knowing Karen, Tony and Peggy and being familiar with all their past work, this is simply a masterpiece.

They are truly Masters of their craft.

Sandra Panek, LMT, Reiki Master


Letting Go: The Heart of Healing
In the recording” Letting Go” Karen Kallie’s soothing voice and Tony Pace’s calming music is the perfect blend to create a space within for deep relaxation and mindfulness that stays with me even when I’m not listening!