A Way to Raise Your Vibe and Let Go!

As we engage in a routine meditation practice we are able to tame the conscious mind, and become more open to the higher frequencies of universal consciousness. Meditation intrinsically helps to develop an enhanced perspective that allows us to become aware of the lower mind (ego) and its various machinations that keep us stuck or locked in struggle and repetitive behaviors that imprison us.

When practiced over time meditation takes your awareness beyond time, ego, thought, sensation, emotion and memory. As you move closer to Source frequencies, you move away from the tyranny of the lower mind. After a while you begin to recognize transcendent experience as a sense of fullness, of steadiness or of an appreciation for the infinite.

Mediation practice helps enhance any other work you may be doing ten fold. It helps cleanse and strengthen the nervous system, as well as increases perception, insight and concentration. Although it may seem counter intuitive, taking time to meditate regularly actually expands time and opportunities in other areas of your life.