Energy Management

Energy Management: What You Need to Know for Positive Impact

Energy Management: awareness, blocks, depletion and distortion

Human beings are Transformers! We are always influencing, moving, managing and transforming our energy. This is generally an unconscious process. Because our energy management is typically out of awareness, it we may not be reaping the benefits we’d like or that are possible.

Quantum Physics tells us that there is a constant and even supply of universal energy. It tells us that energy cannot be created or destroyed. So what is an energy crisis?

Energy Management and Energy Blocks
A personal energy crisis is simply a bottleneck in the flow of energy throughout the bodymind. Somewhere within energy is slowed, stopped or blocked and a logjam is created. Problems then emerge at the site of the logjam and sometimes downstream from this site as well. At the least the restriction results in a depletion of energy; more chronically, blockages, distortions and depletions within the energy system lead to physical and psychological problems.

Energy Management begins with Awareness
It is not necessary to become fluent in all the complex circuitry and possibilities for energetic imbalance in order to positively impact your energy supply and flow. What you do need is a greater awareness of how your state of mind, your thoughts and feelings, can help or hinder the condition of your energy. Through learning a little bit about how to take charge of your mind, you can gain mastery of your energy. Your mind, your thoughts and feelings will then be a resource to build and strengthen the supply and movement of your energy for your benefit rather than leaving the process to chance.

Through understanding your moods, discomforts, aches and pains as reflections of the condition of your energy you can more easily remedy the situation and restore yourself to balance and a higher level of energy rather than sinking even deeper into a downward spiral.

Energy Management is Enhanced with Relaxation
Our recording
Relaxation 101 is an excellent way to begin to dump the accumulated effects of stress, learn to be more aware of and in charge of your energetic state. That awareness and ability to mange your energy means less of it will be scattered, leach away from you or be up for grabs by others in your environment.

Energy Management via Focus on Chakras
For those who desire a more targeted approach for your energy system,
Balancing Your Chakras offers a guided meditation that is relaxing, energizing and helps to build your capacity to manage energy. Guided Chakra Meditations is also a wonderful relaxing way to get in touch with and build your energy.

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