Intention focuses energy and consciousness
Eckhart Tolle speaks of a deep sense of aliveness within human beings that is beyond the ego mind—-the energy of consciousness that pervades all living things. This energy flows unimpeded until it is shaped by something–our attention, intention, habits, and beliefs lodged in our subconscious minds.
Intention can help to move beyond confusion, struggle and conflict of the ego
Our ego is that part of our mind that is conscious and at best performs an executive function in our lives. At its worst it confuses, confounds and keeps us stuck in places we would rather not be! Like many other things, the ego is an excellent servant but a poor master! Unfortunately for many of us, the ego has become dominant. We tend to totally identify with it, that is we rely on our conscious thinking mind to the exclusion of other aspects of ourselves that could help us untie our inner knots. The chakras that form our energy bodies can help us move beyond this impasse to a place where we can claim some freedom from the tyranny of our minds, open up the creative flow of our energy and channel it toward our goals, dreams and aspirations.
The Ego cannot survive in stillness. That being the case, meditation is a wonderful place to begin to help quiet the ego and calm our nonproductive emotions. It is also a way that we begin to develop a more subtle awareness and be able to tap into our energy systems. Then we can get a better idea of what is controlling us from unconsciousness. Once there we have a direct line into where our issues live with the result that we can more easily release them and remodel our interior.
Combining chakra “work” with a meditative practice can turbo charge your efforts to move forward in your life.
Integrating spiritual energy, consciousness, with our human selves
We are all human and so have very real issues and dilemmas to deal with. Learning to work with our energy specifically can help move out of the mind clutter into a space where true healing can occur. This effectively opens up more space inside and we have more energy available to connect with higher levels of creativity and awareness. We also gain the ability to bring spiritual energy down into our physical being and ground it rather than simply escaping into the ethers. This makes us more efficient, wise, compassionate, tolerant and loving beings.
To be able to truly move beyond the ego, the lower mind with its average thinking process, to bring a healthy blending of spiritual energy into our human form, requires detachment from the compelling vibrations of lower thought and feeling forms. Working with your energy centers: clearing, balancing and uplifting your energetic frequency allows you to both move into the realm of the higher mind with ease and to bring the higher energies into your physical being. This process is not an act of will, although it does require willingness, it is not an act of force, although it is powerful.
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