Tranquil Sleep

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Product Description

Tranquil Sleep
is more than just a program that provides sounds to help lull you to sleep. 

The program starts by helping you learn how to let go and unwind in order to get a good nights sleep.

Tranquil Sleep is a Guided Meditation Program that gently helps you release the stresses of the day and help drift into peaceful, rejuvenating and healing sleep.
The program was developed through decades of research with proven results through Karen Kallie’s practice as a Nurse-Psychotherapist with advanced training in Mind-Body Medicine and Energy Psychology.
This program has aided caregivers and those in high stress positions who find themselves unable to sleep.

The music was also specifically written with instrumentation and tonal qualities to enhance your experience and work.

Is This Program For You?

Tired of being tired?
Need a good night sleep?
Are you loosing focus and drifting during your day?
Using coffee and other stimulants to get your going?

How This Program Helps:

Tranquil Sleep skillfully combines gentle spoken dialogue with music to help you unwind from your day and enter into healthy rejuvenating sleep.

Imagine deeply relaxing your body…clearing your mind…letting go of all worries and cares…entering into a deep, peaceful, refreshing sleep…to awaken feeling energetic and revitalized!

The journey starts here!