Choices for a Life You Love to Live
Whether we feel it or not, each of us has free choice. It is one wonderful characteristic of being human. The choices we make on a regular basis determine the life we lead and the experiences we have. If we want to change the experiences we have in life and the experiences that we attract to ourselves, looking to our choices is one key step .
Every day you can choose something to be happy about or you can choose to spend all day and night being angry, jealous, frustrated or simply “wanting” things you don’t have.
You can choose to enrich your life with new friends and new experiences or you can choose to stay exactly where you are – perhaps even stuck in place.
You can choose to enjoy the beauty of nature all around you or you can take it for granted or even ignore it.
You can choose to become clear about what you really want to do in your life and put together a plan to make it come true or you can go about your business feeling that there is no way out of what you are doing right now.
You can choose to live a healthy life by taking one day at a time and making the best decisions about food, exercise and activities or you can continue to make choices that may even be toxic to your body and health.
You can choose to live in a clean house or you can choose to ignore your environment and let things pile up all around you.
You can choose to laugh and perhaps lighten up or you can take everything seriously.
You can choose to take care of yourself first or put yourself last when you have no more time or energy.
You can choose to forgive people for whatever they may have done to you or you can hold onto the anger, sometimes forever.
You can choose to be generous and share with others, or you can be tight and restrictive with what you have.
You can choose to live in a world filled with abundance and trust or you can choose to live in a world of scarcity, lack and fear.
You can choose to learn from those around you, even those you find difficult or challenging, or you can choose to ignore them and repeat the lessons over and over again.
You can choose to create some quiet time for yourself every day (even five minutes) or you can choose to fill every minute and be stressed day and night.
You can choose to continually clear the clutter around you and create space for new things to come in or you can let things close in around you.
You can choose to see what is right with things and move forward from there, or you can get bogged down with everything that is wrong.
You can choose to make thing happen for yourself or you can let things happen to you.
You can choose to brush off normal frustrations and irritants or you can hang onto them for as long as you like.
You can choose to be flexible and go with the flow or you can be rigid with your thoughts and deeds.
You can choose to make a difference in your own life and those around you or you can simply avoid it and not take responsibility.
You can choose to give somebody else a reason to smile today or you simply ignore others and do whatever you want.
You can choose to let somebody else be right for a change or you can prove your point.
You can choose to use positive words when you speak or you can be negative.
You can choose to express gratitude daily and thank everyone who helps you or you can feel that they don’t deserve thanks or recognition for whatever reason.
You can choose peace and unconditional love or you can focus on hate.
You can choose to do whatever you want. Try to make conscious choices and if those are proving difficult commit to discovering what is blocking you creating resistance to your choice.
Choose at least one thing every day that will help move you in the direction of living a life you love. If you really feel that you have no choice or no control over this, uncovering unconscious beliefs may be needed. If energy is blocked within it will be harder to make conscious choices or to maintain forward movement.
Try a personal experiment and select one item off of this list and try it for at least one day. Then select another topic for another day. These things don’t cost money but they do require effort. Effort at being clear about who you are and clear about what you want in
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