[singlepic id=91 w=320 h=240 float=left] There have been many prophecies concerning this year, 2012. If we go beyond the hype and hysteria to the deeper wisdom available to us in some of these messages then the way through this time is clear.
The way that is being pointed to is one where we begin to take seriously the notion that we are all part of the cosmic whole and affect each other and our environment. Another is that our world is a mirror of our inner state. These are powerful beginning thoughts, but not the end of the message. We are also counseled that it is through developing the skills of greater awareness, higher consciousness and creativity that our problems, personal and global, can be solved.
History and Perspective
Humanity has been through many difficult and challenging periods throughout history. This is ours. It is hard. It is difficult. It is frightening. But one thing that keeps coming to mind is that fact that we are still here after many challenges that were extremely difficult for those who came before us.
It can be useful to look to the past for information regarding change and methods to restore balance; however it is important to remember that we also have unique issues and circumstances in these current times. So change may have to take on a new face. We may need methods, skills and abilities that were not necessary or present in the past.
Nature can provide wise guidance. When something necessary is not present in nature, organisms adapt and transform in order to acclimate to their new environment. And so it is with us. We can turn to the development of our energy and multi-sensory nature (higher consciousness) in order to tap into greater creativity, inspiration, and problem solving. This development not only helps us to tap into those faculties that will help us create solutions, it also helps us deal with the stress of change and enhance our mental, emotional and physical health and well- being.
Individuals Matter
The question is not really whether we will change or not. The question is more one of how much struggle and conflict will we go through before we shift toward what is necessary. Politicians and government may not be the greatest change agents in these times. It may be “We the people”. If that phrase sounds familiar, it is because it was part of an original intention for this country set up by men of transcendental persuasion. Another man who had a message we can all use now was Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. Perhaps it is time to take that sentence seriously and to each do our part in our corner of the planet to bring about healthy, positive change.
A Simple Shift
Shifting into higher frequencies of energy that facilitate higher consciousness, new perspectives, openness to creativity and enhancement of resiliency can be done in many ways. We have so many options open to us today. Individual healing work, release of old patterns and beliefs and learning new skills to engage energy and consciousness are a few ways to approach such a shift. It can be a fun and exciting adventure into a new way of being if you take it a piece at a time.
A very simple means at an individual level is to begin to focus on feelings of gratitude. Feelings of gratitude, appreciation, beauty and love have been proven to positively affect every aspect of our being. Gratitude can be a beautiful practice that helps to enliven your day, create change and help deepen your connection with yourself, the sacred and your world.
Gratitude for what? For being alive. For living at all! Gratitude for the Earth, the ocean and mountains. Gratitude for all that nature shows us each and every day about life and living. Gratitude that we can begin to listen with new ears and see with new eyes. Gratitude that we indeed can become the change we wish to see in the world.
After I wrote this post I had a friend (who had no idea I was writing this) suggested a movie to me, 2012: Time for Change, http://youtu.be/QLKscdnBckU. It is a documentary by Daniel Pinchbeck of Reality Sandwich, www.realitysandwich.com. In it he travels around the world visiting many diverse cultures and communities. I was struck by the magnitude of the ingenuity of people, as well as the many examples of creativity and community that demonstrate beneficial adjustment and adaptation that is beneficial to life on the planet for all. In my opinion, this film is not only inspirational and hopeful, but it also provides tangible evidence of humanity’s exquisite potential for flourishing.
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