2012: A Positive View

Our radio show topic for the month of March will be the upcoming changes associated with the year 2012 and how we can all be prepared and move with the changes that this enormous transition in our world is requiring.

We will be discussing:

3/1/10 Laying the Groundwork f0r 2012 (Recording available)

3/8/10 2012: Changes in Personal Direction

3/15/10 2012: New Models for Relationships

3/22/10 2012: Shifting Paradigms for Health

3/29/10 2012: When Spirit Hits the Sidewalk!

Of course everyone has heard about the predicted end of the world in Dec of 2012 but this is not what is happening. Closer inspection of the prophesies about this time in history shows that what is actually happening is that what is ending is some very long cycles and the beginning of new ones.

Indigenous people were in touch with much larger expanse of time than we in the modern world are accustomed to. The great cycles that are now winding down are referred to as Great World Ages. We have been through 4 of these before and we are finishing up a 5th and entering a 6th. At this point in the ending of these cycles it is typical to have catastrophic conditions on many fronts—weather, politics, economic etc.

Great civilizations collapsed under the weight of times like these but it was not the conditions themselves that caused the collapse—it was the response of the powers that be, the people and their inability to shift how they approached life and the important issues of the day that brought them down.

If you study history/evolution what can be seen is that when there was a willingness to cooperate and work together to solve problems and let go of old unsustainable ways then the civilizations survived and rebuilt on new foundations. If competitiveness prevailed then everyone lost—there was collapse.

It is interesting to observe that the earth’s history includes quantum jumps when crisis conditions were present. E.G. single cell life about to die out—poof—photosynthesis saves the day. In 13.7 billion years this point has presented itself many times and there has always been a quantum leap rather than a slow steady progression from one step to another.

Through evolution Nature provides us with a model of a dynamic process of change that always involves cooperation and increasing complexity.

Excerpted from Laying the Groundwork for 2012

To hear the complete recording for this show go to: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/living-energy-works