2010: Setting Goals for Success

Within the week we will be entering a new decade and a new era. Our future has the potential to be very different from the past as well as from that described in the popular press. There is a lot going on in the world that the mainstream media does not focus in ways that help us understand our current situation or to feel what is possible for us in the future. We are in a time of great change but if we see through the eyes of fear then we will collapse into recreating the weakness of the past. If we expand our vision and see through the eyes of evolution and rise to the challenge of developing higher levels of our human potential then we can understand more deeply where we’ve been, where we are now and also know how we can expand into greater possibilities than before.

Each one of us matters. Each one of us is important. How we set our individual goals is our personal contribution to the collective energy. There are ways to set and maintain desired changes/goals that are more conducive to success than others.

On Monday morning @ 10 A.M. join us to learn what those ways are and hear how to embrace the new energy and set successful goals. And remember if you cannot join us you can always listen to the recording at your convenience.
